
Mowing Poop Therapy

6-8-2019 Today is my Dad’s 80th birthday, so today as I mowed I thought a lot about him, my life without him, and the future ahead and I decided that I should start a mowing therapy business.  Interestingly enough, over the last 2 and a half months since I have been in this home and the last 6 weeks that I have actually mowed my lawn, I have actually gotten to enjoy my mowing time.  I throw my headphones in, (I have new ones that actually hook over my ears so not such an easy escape), I turn on Spotify, and I start to runmow. In this hour or less of time, I think about my week, my plans for the future, my extensive list, my kids, and just life in general and as crazy as it sounds, it is kind of therapeutic.   And then I started to think maybe I am on to something here (yes this is how my mind wanders), maybe I could start a lawn therapy business…. People could come to my home, maybe discuss a little what they might be thinking, and then mow and pay me for the therapy. How genius

The Sputter and the Alfalfa Bushes

June 4th, 2019 Sadly, I never did find that earbud….  At this point my guess it that it has either drowned or been shredded, either case would serve it right.  I started my mowing process on Sunday. My time was amazing although I was a little sore from working out the day before.  However, in spite of that, I was going right along and thinking I was gonna get this done cutting another ten minutes off my time… until the SPUTTER!  Well darn it, wouldn’t you know… with half a backyard left and beating my own PB I ran out of gas. And no, I did not fill it, I looked in the little hole before I started and could see the gas so figured I was ok….  WRONG! I can tell you that as sore as I was, I sprinted to the garage for that gas can… I was not ruining my time. And so….yes….I still was able to cut 5 minutes off my PB for a run-mow time of 50 minutes. Win! The real challenge this week, however, has not been the mowing, it has not been the weed whacking, it has been trying to cut th

Shooting Rocks and Escape Earbuds in the Rain

May 26, 2019 I decided this morning I was not going to let this lawn go more than a week again because I do not want to be “that” neighbor…. I have one of those and versus joining the ranks of avoider mowstresses, I made a promise to myself. It is hot today, or rather it was when I started mowi-running so I threw on a pair of shorts, a hot pink top (relevant in a bit), and my air pods in and started to mow-run. I was bound and determined I was going to increase my time so I made a decision immediately… my time will not be based on the whacking but only the mowing. It seems I continue to run into obstacles regarding the whacking so I am taking that piece out of it. Anyway, I started out and my time was good, I have some consistent patterns going now and have figured out which routes I can take to get the most grass in one sweep. You may laugh at this but it is a real thing. If you look at these pictures of my landscape you will understand. My rocks are awesome and look nic

Mowing Shoes

May 20 ,2019 Okay, I am maybe a little bit behind on the mowing. I should have mowed on Saturday morning but I steam cleaned a couch and a chair, retrimmed a chair with new trim, built a cabinet for my craft room, and then went out to dinner with I was not slacking but just working on a different part of my extensive list. Sunday started with church, rewiring the two switches in my bedroom and then a soccer game two hours here I am on Monday after all day at field day and I just can’t handle the grass anymore. My first question of the day is this….mowsters and mostresses you have mowing shoes? Here is the dilemma, since I am getting a run in while I mow, I really feel like I need to wear running shoes, but then my running shoes turned green… so do I just call those my mowing shoes? I was forced to buy new running shoes which I will really run in so for now, those old running shoes are it, however, since I am running in them every week, I may hav

Who is Smarter, the Mowstress or the Mower

May 11, 2019 The saga of the mowstress continues… So my second time mowing…. I realized that my mower was considered a smart mower… because it is clearly smarter than I am…. Amazing what happens when you realize you actually do not need a thumb extension to mow because the “smart” mower accelerator thumb thingy actually is adjustable…. Who knew??? Clearly not this mowstress. There was a slight problem however, with this adjustment. The first time I mowed, my speed was limited by the limits of my thumb length and so I had a maximum pace I could mow at, although annoying, much safer than my current situation… let’s just say that I am sure if any of my neighbors were watching this fiasco, they saw my push mower pulling me and me running several times. I am not quite used to this new found power yet… so I got a little accelerator happy. I did manage to stay on my feet at least so that was good. One thing I did notice while I was mowing was that a lot of people run at 9:00 o'clock

My First Mowstress Moment Conclusions

May 4, 2019 Okay I have come to several conclusions and wonders while mowing this morning for the second time in my life...πŸ˜‚they are as follows 1. I need longer thumbs because I just can’t push that darn speed lever thing far enough to go as fast as I want... do they have some sort of thingy for that? 2. I could be referred to as more of a “creative” mowstress cause I sure can’t get any sort of consistent pattern going with all this tree rock bed landscaping. I hope my neighbors appreciate my creativity πŸ˜› 3. Lawn boys are NOT overrated. 4. I get a little carried away with a weed whacker... I could be considered armed while using this thing. I kind of like it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 5. Should you mow over dog poo? My mower didn’t seem to mind 🀣 6. And then there’s the whole blower thing... maybe I shouldn’t go into that too much 🀣 It took me about an hour and a half... and I got it right before the rain hit so just call me weathergirl mowstress... hopefully I get faster at this or get longer thum